a blueprint for aliveness
welcome to the journey back to yourself
a blueprint for aliveness
welcome to the journey back to yourself
Do you sense a gap between the life you are living, and the person you know yourself to be?
Do you feel like you are existing hand-to-mouth, disconnected from a larger sense of purpose?
Are you questioning things you used to take for granted?
Our mission
we help people recognize oppressions, embrace transformation, and become liberated from the inside out so that who we are and how we show up in the world come into alignment.
Our mission
we help people recognize oppressions, embrace transformation, and become liberated from the inside out so that who we are and how we show up in the world come into alignment.
We believe spirituality is an evolving orientation, and that we each have the right and the responsibility to explore what this means.
We honor diverse expressions of belief and lean in to the mysteries that make us unique, as well as the connective commonalities of the human experience.
We celebrate the naming of Source in whatever languages aligns with each person’s integrity.
We believe every soul is Beloved, and that as we experience our fundamental safety, belonging, and dignity, we will access the capacity to show up as our True Selves, first within circle and then with more and more consistency in our daily lives.
We believe we already have what we need inside of us.
And, that we need space, words, and community to help us remember the way to Come Home To Ourselves.
We believe, like Ram Dass said, that we are all just walking each other home.
We heal as we hear ourselves and feel ourselves heard, seen, and held.
We learn how to belong to ourselves so that we might remember how to belong to each other, and how to co-create spaces of belonging upon the Earth.
When we awaken and align into our Belovedness, we begin to act in ways that affect lasting change in the world.
"The entire work of consciousness speaks to a process by which we sculpt away the excess, all that we are not; finding and releasing the GESTURE OF SOUL that is already waiting, complete, within us." -Mark Nepo
"The entire work of consciousness speaks to a process by which we sculpt away the excess, all that we are not; finding and releasing the GESTURE OF SOUL that is already waiting, complete, within us." -Mark Nepo
our vision
We believe people who are aligned in their True Self with a connection to Source and the support of Kindreds, have the tools, language, and resources to heal and transform the world.
our vision
We believe people who are aligned in their True Self with a connection to Source and the support of Kindreds, have the tools, language, and resources to heal and transform the world.
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