Arkitekt | women’s words

Arkitekt, simply put, has been life-changing. I’ve known for years that my soul has been craving shepherding in a way that was impossible on my own. At a time of crisis where none of my old ways worked anymore, the kindred community of Arkitekt provided me a safe and holy place to truly know myself, love myself, and come home to myself.
— Amanda
Arkitekt provided the space to discover pieces of myself I did not know existed, and then taught me how to put those pieces back together into something beautiful. Arkitekt gave me the sister support I needed to engage in the personal work I’d been hiding from, as well as the gift of being able to champion other women to do the same.
— Maggie
Arkitekt is like a modern day red tent.
— Elizabeth
Christian Wiman calls it the “bright abyss.” Richard Rohr describes it as the sensation of “falling up.” St. Catherine of Genoa, upon her meeting it, exclaimed, “My deepest me is God!” To me, it feels like walking back home, back to myself, to my center, to my source. And this is life—-the entirety of it. To recognize who I am being and who I AM, which felt like toeing the precipice of a deep, dark chasm. Arkitekt helped me see this for what it was—-not death, not failure, not fear. But true aliveness. Arkitekt helped fell open my hands in a soft posture of receiving: the tools, the ideas, the blessings, the hope and the women that are meant—that are essential—to living fully from my created-ness, from my depth. We are meant for each other and Arkitekt provided me a space to actively practice giving and receiving. I cannot unsee what I have seen during my Arkitekt experience, and that is a great light in my life now. I am thankful.
— Colleen
I’ve always worked on my inner self secretly and quietly never bothering those in my life with the nitty-gritty details of my inner, ugly, beautiful self. Arkitekt gave me the platform, mirror, curriculum, and accountability in a tribe of women doing just the same. A place where others full-heartedly celebrate my triumphs and mourn my struggles. The women of this group have become my rock, my family, and often my GPS. I could not grow at the pace nor intensity that I have in the last two years without Arkitekt. For someone who is spiritual but not religious, Arkitekt has become my church.
— Summer
Arkitekt came into my life at such a critical time. I was in a desperate place, for connection, for authenticity. for sisters, and a safe place to be raw, supported, and loved all at the same time. I felt I was falling apart but something inside me begged the question that maybe I was actually falling together. It’s an incredibe experience to be fiercely encouraged and feel these amazing women come along my side and say. “me too.” As a result, I have discovered so much and the trajectory of my life has shifted. My life feels enriched and blessed since starting Arkitekt and I am forever humbled and grateful.
— Sarah
I needed last night. So badly. It felt long overdue to “show up” as me and it was perfect/ In my morning meditation, I imprinted being held by everyone when I could barely stand. It permeated my core. Like the strongest net that will never let me fall. Or really,, that will hold me as I have fallen. I can’t stop crying and it feels so right.
— Toni
The support, love, and friendship I have received from my Arkitekt sisters has been life-changing. I allowed myself to be seen, the hard way—in my brokneness, my drowning, my being lost... and as painful as that was, and sometimes still is, I have grown in many ways i didn’t know possible. It was because of Arkitekt, and the genuine, unconditional friendships I built with my sisters that made me feel like “Yes. I belong here, on earth and in this moment. I am loved. I am chosen, I am safe, and I am good.
— Jasmine